Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What is the best color hair extension for hair that is dark brown???

please tell me! i want other peoples oppinionWhat is the best color hair extension for hair that is dark brown???
dark brownWhat is the best color hair extension for hair that is dark brown???
copper that will really look good
a little dark color like dark purpal or navy blue
I have really dark brown hair thats actually light brown in strong sunlight but I used to have highlights light brown or different shades of brown such as caramel are really pretty!
Same colour,, so that they look less fake :)

chocolate color
light brown
I'd go with hair extensions that are the same as your hair-Dark Brown. It looks more real, when it's the same colour as your hair.
uhm probably carmel.

that would look fantasic!


gooood luck!
dark brown
I would say that the best complimentary hair color for hair extensions, being that the color that we are dealing with is dark brown, would be an off-pink to purplish color. In regards to the hair extensions, they often become infected %26amp; puss like at the injection site. In light of this, I would very much recommend either dreadlocks, corn rows, or even a mohawk would be a good cut during the summer months. The mohawk gives one many options, and can be easily covered up by a sombrero in the winter months. Hope this helps!
light brown highlights. or bronze. those are basically the BEST colours to mix with dark brown.

Give people a warning about what you are really like.
ummm, the same color as your hair? or are you talking about having like blonde underneath?
dark brown unless you want to add some highlights to it, in that case you can get blonde extensions or red extensions. I suggest blonde ones in the summer and red ones in the winter.
dark brown?
same brown with highlights
well dark brown of course.

how bout a purple.
well.. I would suggest just adding highlights and going maybe a reddish borwn or reddish dark blonde color. I would no go with any fake hair that could fall out and turn into a really embarassing situation.

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